CureSearch for Children's Cancer

Recognizing a broken system, growing obstacles, and unmet needs in drug development, CureSearch launched an innovative and unique strategy to address the urgent, critical need for new and better childhood cancer treatments. Together, we're changing the drug development landscape from within and accelerating the development of safe, effective treatments for the 42 children diagnosed with cancer each day.


Bethesda, MD

HQ Location


Year Founded




CureSearch's mission is to end childhood cancer by driving targeted and innovative research with measurable results in an accelerated time frame.

60% of CureSearch's preclinical projects have moved into clinical trials, compared to a less than 8% average rate of translation of drugs into clinical cancer trials.
By supporting CureSearch, you’re funding research that’s on the path to quickly becoming a drug accessible to the children who so desperately need new treatment options, and you’re providing innovative platforms that allow stakeholders to work smarter, faster, and more collaboratively.

Why The Impact Job ❤️ CureSearch for Children's Cancer

CureSearch is doing life-saving work, and they have the data to prove it. Consider this: 60% of CureSearch's preclinical projects have moved into clinical trials, compared to a less than 8% average rate of translation of drugs into clinical cancer trials. That means a bigger impact, faster.

In the last 5 years, CureSearch has awarded more than $12 million in research grants for projects dedicated to developing new therapies for kids with cancer.

CureSearch receives high marks for their transparency with a Platinum rating from GuideStar and a 100% score from BBB Wise Giving Alliance

CureSearch teamed up with Mattel to produce "Brave Barbie," a doll that is provided free-of-charge to paitents

Work Remote Policy

Remote. CureSearch is a 100% remote work environment.

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