We're flocking to social impact job applications like millennial moms are flocking to the Target dollar section for plastic pumpkins this week.
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The Secret Language of Plastic Recycling
Can we admit something to you guys? Recycling is hard. Like…way harder than it should be, right? It turns out we aren’t the only people who think that because the New York Times did a whole piece on the mysterious secret language of plastic recycling.
Plastic might not break down, but we’re going to breakdown the mess that is plastic recycling:
These terrifying fun facts are just the tip of the recycling iceberg (but do NOT do a google image search for "recycling iceberg" unless you want to be really depressed).
The moral of the story is that recycling in the U.S. is a broken system, and too much responsibility is put on consumers to figure it out. Instead of, you know, the corporations that produce all this plastic. Like whichever genius invented the “gift of nothing for the person who has everything.”
But since the responsibility is all on us for now, learning what materials are and are not accepted in your local recycling program is a baller move. And for the love of sea turtles, please wash and dry your plastic containers.