
You may have missed your chance to get on Wheel of Fortune before Pat Sajak retires, but you haven't missed your chance to apply for an Impact Job. Pat, I'd like to buy a career change?

Here's what we got on tap for you today

  • Meme of the Week
  • Impact Job Update: Resume Reviews
  • Article of the Week: Do You Have What it Takes to Work For a Nonprofit?
  • New Job Opportunities
  • Win of the Week: Axelspace Corporation Sets Standard for Sustainability in Space Business
  • Bummer of the Week: Bangladesh Tea Workers Struggling During Extra Hot Harvest Season

Meme of the Week

Need Any Help Crafting a Killer Resume?

Resume writing is the worst. But since you kind of need a killer resume to finally leave your terrible job and apply for a Social Impact Job, you gotta get it right. Our resume reviews help you land that job.

Get Your Resume Reviewed

Article of the Week

Do You Have What it Takes to Work For a Nonprofit?

The social impact job space has more potential pathways than that poorly marked hiking trail you got lost on for hours even though AllTrails called it “easy.” Don’t pretend it hasn’t happened to you.

One of the most obvious places to score a social impact job is in the nonprofit sector. You can get paid to help others and make the world a better place. A great philanderer, as Michael Scott would say. What could be better than that?

Hold your horses, the nonprofit world is not for the faint of heart. If you think you’ll be passing out free lunches and leading storytime at the local public school, think again. The world is full of complex problems that need complex solutions, not to mention highly dedicated and skilled people to implement them.

Do you have what it takes? Answer these questions to find out:

  1. Are you detail-oriented and organized?
  2. Are you a confident public speaker or do you sweat through your shirt in .3 seconds under pressure?
  3. Do you handle stress well or do you sweat through your backup shirt in .3 seconds?
  4. Do you have good people skills?
  5. Do you have the hard skills required to work for a nonprofit? AKA is your resume up to snuff?
  6. Are you long-term focused? Change doesn’t happen overnight!
  7. Are you really passionate and dedicated to creating change?

Check out this resource to explore these questions more. The great thing about working in a nonprofit is that there are tons of avenues to explore depending on your skillset, from marketing to donor relations and more.

Just remember that working in the nonprofit sector doesn’t only require the right skills, it requires extreme patience, perseverance, and passion. And since no one who has ever worked for a nonprofit has been properly thanked in the history of ever, we’ll leave you with this:  

February 20, 2025


The Impact Newsletter

Healthy Learners is Hiring!

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February 13, 2025


The Impact Newsletter

Cornell Researchers Create New Recyclable Plastic

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