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Meme of the Week
Article of the Week
Seaweed Farming is Good for the Planet, Women, and Local Economies
This week we’re taking a break from work-related topics to talk about something else. Because there are things to talk about besides work you know!! We’re gonna get wild and talk about something we think is really freakin’ cool.
Yep, the stuff that attacks you in the ocean and you FREAK OUT because you think it’s a jellyfish. Or that salty little snack you stocked up on when you decided to try your hand at homemade sushi. Or if you’re really fancy, the face mask that makes you look half your age.
Seaweed is versatile as heck.
A recent study revealed another baller use for seaweed: super fast carbon sequestering. According to an Ocean 2050 report recently published in Nature Climate Change, seaweed farming can sequester carbon in ocean sediments at rates comparable to established blue carbon ecosystems like mangroves and seagrasses.
Mangroves and seagrasses?? Seaweed is officially in the big leagues, baby! And it gets better.
Projections indicate that global seaweed farming could remove up to 140 million tons of CO₂ annually by 2050. This positions seaweed cultivation as a scalable, nature-based solution for carbon removal, offering co-benefits such as biodiversity enhancement and economic opportunities.
Ready for the coolest part? Over 99% of the seaweed farmers participating in this study are women from coastal communities in developing countries. Therefore scaling seaweed farming boosts gender equity while strengthening local economies.
I bet you didn’t know seaweed was so f*ckin cool before you read this email. We love bringing you positive news to balance out…(*gestures broadly*)…everything else.
We also love bringing you the latest and greatest social impact jobs. Look, you may not be as versatile as seaweed, but you have a lot to contribute. Scroll down to start applying.
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Win of the Week:
This month PPG Industries is celebrating ten years of their global COLORFUL COMMUNITIES program, a commitment to revitalizing and beautifying communities around the world. To celebrate, the company committed $15 million to extend the program for another ten years.
Bummer of the Week:
Climate change impacts industries around the world—including the alcohol industry. Production of Guinness, prosecco, pálinka, and other alcohol brands/types are threatened by heavy rains, droughts, and storms. Drink your climate worries away (responsibly) while you still can!